=== Publications == 31 [[http://www.nature.com/articles/srep19553|Detecting and modelling delayed density-dependence in abundance time series of a small mammal (Didelphis aurita)]] - E. Brigatti, M. V. Vieira, M. Kajin, P. J. A. L. Almeida, M. A. de Menezes and R. Cerqueira, //Scientific Reports// 6: 19553 (2016). 30 [[doi>10.1088/1742-5468/2013/08/P08006|Evolving cellular automata for diversity generation and pattern recognition: deterministic versus random strategy]] - M. Argollo de Menezes, E. Brigatti and V. Schwämmle, //Journal of Statistical Mechanics// P08006 (2013). 29 [[doi>10.1088/1742-5468/2012/05/P05012|Critical behavior of the SIS epidemic model with time-dependent infection rate]] - N. Crokidakis and M. A. de Menezes, //Journal of Statistical Mechanics// P05012 (2012). 28 [[http://arxiv.org/abs/1003.1323 | Magnetotransport in nanostructures: The role of inhomogeneous currents ]], T.S. Machado, M. Argollo de Menezes, T.G. Rappoport & L.C. Sampaio, //Journal of Applied Physics//, **109**, 093904 (2011). 27 [[http://www.epacis.net/jcis/10.6062jcis.2009.01.02.0015.php | Analysis of the package dependency on Debian GNU/Linux ]], O.F. Sousa, M. Argollo de Menezes & T.J.P. Penna, //J. of Comput. Interdisc. Sci.//, **1**, 127 (2009). 26 [[ http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/1367-2630/11/10/103005 | Detrended fluctuation analysis of a systolic blood pressure control loop]], C.E.C. Galhardo, T.J.P. Penna, M. Argollo de Menezes and P.P.S. Soares, //New J. Phys.// **11** 103005 (2009). 25 [[ http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/1742-5468/2009/04/P04018 | Emergence of clusters in growing networks with ageing]], Nuno Crokidakis and Marcio Argollo de Menezes, // J. Stat. Mech.// P04018 doi: 10.1088/1742-5468/2009/04/P04018 (2009). 24 [[ http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000195|Impact of limited solvent capacity on metabolic rate, enzyme activities and metabolite concentrations of S. cerevisiae glycolysis]], A. Vazquez, M. Argollo de Menezes, A.-L. Barabási and Z.N. Oltvai, //PLoS Computational Biology// **4**:10, 1-6 (2008). 23 [[http://www.biomedcentral.com/1752-0509/2/7|Impact of the solvent capacity constraint on E. coli metabolism]], A. Vazquez, Q. Beg, M. Argollo de Menezes, J. Ernst, Z. Bar-Joseph, A.-L. Barabási, L. Boros and Z.N. Oltvai, //BMC Systems Biology// **2**,2:7 (2008). 22 [[ http://scitation.aip.org/getabs/servlet/GetabsServlet?prog=normal&id=PLEEE8000076000004042901000001&idtype=cvips&gifs=yes| Vulnerability of a killer whale social network to disease outbreaks]], P.R. Guimarães Jr. , M. Argollo de Menezes, R.W. Baird, D. Lusseau, P. Guimarães, S.F. Reis. //Physical Review// E **76**, 042901 (2007). 21 [[http://www.iop.org/EJ/article/1367-2630/9/6/179/njp7_6_179.pdf|Analysis of a large-scale weighted network of one-to-one human communication]], J.-P. Onella, J. Saramaki, J. Hyvonen, M. Argollo de Menezes, K. Kaski, A.-L. Barabási, J. Kertész.// New Journal of Physics// **9**, 179 (2007). (See [[arxiv>physics/0702158|arXiv]]). 20 [[ http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/abstract/0609845104v1|Intracellular crowding defines the mode and sequence of substrate uptake by Escherichia coli and constrains its metabolic activity]], Q. Beg, A. Vazquez, J. Ernst, M. Argollo de Menezes, Z. Bar-Joseph, A.-L. Barabási and Z.N. Oltvai. //Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.// **104**, 12663 (2007). 19 Fluctuation of Incoming Flux with Multiplicative Noise on a scale-free Network. S.H.Yook and M. Argollo de Menezes, //Europhysics Letters//, **72**, 541:547, (2005). 18 Separating internal and external dynamics of complex systems, M. Argollo de Menezes and A.-L. Babarási. //Physical Review Letters// **93**, 68701 (2004). 17 Hot spots and universality in network dynamics, M. Argollo de Menezes, A.-L. Barabási, S. Balensiefer and J. Brockman. //European Physical Journal// **B 38**, 169 (2004). 16 Fluctuations in Network Dynamics, M. Argollo de Menezes and A.-L. Barabási, //Physical Review Letters//, **92**, 28701 (2004). 15 Using Entropy-Based Methods to Study General Constrained Parameter Optimization Problems, M. Argollo de Menezes and A.R. Lima. //Physica A//, **323**, 428 (2003). 14 Shortest paths on systems with power-law distributed long-range connections. M. Argollo de Menezes and C.F. Moukarzel, //Physical Review E//, **65**, 65709 (2002). 13 Nonuniversality in the pair contact process with diffusion, M. Argollo de Menezes and R. Dickman. //Physical Review E// **66**, 45101 (2002). 12 Geometric phase-transition on systems with sparse long-range interactions, M. Argollo de Menezes, T.J.P. Penna and C.F. Moukarzel. //Physica A//, **295**, 132 (2001). 11 Entropy-based analysis of the number partitioning problem, A.R. Lima and M. Argollo de Menezes. //Physical Review E// **63**, 20106 (2001). 10 First-order phase transition on small-world networks, M. Argollo de Menezes, C.F. Moukarzel and T.J.P. Penna. //Europhysics Letters// **50**, 5 (2000). 9 Directed rigidity and bootstrap percolation in 1+1 dimensions, M. Argollo de Menezes and C.F. Moukarzel. //Physical Review E// **60**, 5699 (1999). 8 Getting older with computers, T.J.P.Penna, M. Argollo de Menezes and A. Racco. //Computer Physics Communications// **122**, 108 (1999). 7 Generalized simulated annealing method in the analysis of atom-atom interaction, R.F. Guterres, M. Argollo de Menezes, C.E. Fellows, O. Dulieu. //Chemical Physics Letters// **300**, 131 (1999). 6 Strategies of reproduction and longevity, M. Argollo de Menezes, A. Racco and T.J.P. Penna. //International Journal Of Modern Physics C// **9**, 6 (1998). 5 Aplication of chaotic automata to improve the pattern recognition ability of attractor neural networks, M. Argollo de Menezes and T.J.P. Penna. //International Journal of Modern Physics C// **9**, 3 (1998). 4 Beyond the Hubbard-I solution with a one-pole self-energy at half-filling with the moment approach, J.J.R. Nuñez and M. Argollo de Menezes. //Physica A// **257** 501 (1998). 3 Search for a unitary mortality law through a theoretical model for biological ageing, A. Racco, M. Argollo de Menezes and T.J.P. Penna. //Theory in Biosciences// **117**, 101 (1998). 2 Improving the Hopfield-Tank approach for the traveling salesman problem, M. Argollo de Menezes and T.J.P. Penna. //International Journal of Modern Physics C// **8**, 5 (1997). 1 Why Trees live longer, M. Argollo de Menezes, A. Racco and T.J.P. Penna. //Physica A// **233**, 221 (1996). Back to [[home]]