====== Distinguishing Trends in Financial Markets ====== {{novidades:tux-teacher.png?150 }} * Data: 28/05/10 às 16:00 * Local: Sl A5-01 * Apresentador: Eugene Neduv (LLA Gestão) ~~CL~~ Resumo: Technical analysis of market patterns and trends is based on the assumptions that * market discounts fundamentals; * history repeats itself; * prices move in trends. The goal of technical analysis is to predict future market behavior based on past patterns of prices and trading volume. I will overview some of the most popular price indicators such as moving averages, channels, MACD and RSI. I will also cover basic reversal patterns, market cycles and inter-market relationships. The goal of the presentation is to start a discussion on latest mathematical methods in signal processing and pattern recognition that have a potential to be applied to behavioral finance. ~~CLEARFLOAT~~ {{tag>seminarios}} ~~DISCUSSION:off~~