====== Quadro Termodinâmico para Sistemas de Partículas Interagentes Desprezando Ruído Térmico ====== {{novidades:tux-teacher.png?150 }} * Data: 13/04/15 às 11:00 h * Local: Sl A5-01 * Apresentador: Fernando Dantas Nobre, CBPF Resumo: A thermodynamical formalism is developed for a system of interacting particles under overdamped motion, which is analyzed within the framework of nonextensive statistical mechanics. It amounts to express the interaction energy of the system in terms of a temperature theta, conjugated to a generalized entropy s_q, with q=2. Since theta assumes much higher values than those of typical room temperatures T<theta_2. All results presented are consistent with those of standard thermodynamics for T>0, opening the possibility for further physical consequences. ~~CLEARFLOAT~~ {{tag>seminarios}} ~~DISCUSSION:~~