
31 Detecting and modelling delayed density-dependence in abundance time series of a small mammal (Didelphis aurita) - E. Brigatti, M. V. Vieira, M. Kajin, P. J. A. L. Almeida, M. A. de Menezes and R. Cerqueira, Scientific Reports 6: 19553 (2016).

30 Evolving cellular automata for diversity generation and pattern recognition: deterministic versus random strategy - M. Argollo de Menezes, E. Brigatti and V. Schwämmle, Journal of Statistical Mechanics P08006 (2013).

29 Critical behavior of the SIS epidemic model with time-dependent infection rate - N. Crokidakis and M. A. de Menezes, Journal of Statistical Mechanics P05012 (2012).

28 Magnetotransport in nanostructures: The role of inhomogeneous currents , T.S. Machado, M. Argollo de Menezes, T.G. Rappoport & L.C. Sampaio, Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 093904 (2011).

27 Analysis of the package dependency on Debian GNU/Linux , O.F. Sousa, M. Argollo de Menezes & T.J.P. Penna, J. of Comput. Interdisc. Sci., 1, 127 (2009).

26 Detrended fluctuation analysis of a systolic blood pressure control loop, C.E.C. Galhardo, T.J.P. Penna, M. Argollo de Menezes and P.P.S. Soares, New J. Phys. 11 103005 (2009).

25 Emergence of clusters in growing networks with ageing, Nuno Crokidakis and Marcio Argollo de Menezes, J. Stat. Mech. P04018 doi: 10.1088/1742-5468/2009/04/P04018 (2009).

24 Impact of limited solvent capacity on metabolic rate, enzyme activities and metabolite concentrations of S. cerevisiae glycolysis, A. Vazquez, M. Argollo de Menezes, A.-L. Barabási and Z.N. Oltvai, PLoS Computational Biology 4:10, 1-6 (2008).

23 Impact of the solvent capacity constraint on E. coli metabolism, A. Vazquez, Q. Beg, M. Argollo de Menezes, J. Ernst, Z. Bar-Joseph, A.-L. Barabási, L. Boros and Z.N. Oltvai, BMC Systems Biology 2,2:7 (2008).

22 Vulnerability of a killer whale social network to disease outbreaks, P.R. Guimarães Jr. , M. Argollo de Menezes, R.W. Baird, D. Lusseau, P. Guimarães, S.F. Reis. Physical Review E 76, 042901 (2007).

21 Analysis of a large-scale weighted network of one-to-one human communication, J.-P. Onella, J. Saramaki, J. Hyvonen, M. Argollo de Menezes, K. Kaski, A.-L. Barabási, J. Kertész. New Journal of Physics 9, 179 (2007). (See arXiv).

20 Intracellular crowding defines the mode and sequence of substrate uptake by Escherichia coli and constrains its metabolic activity, Q. Beg, A. Vazquez, J. Ernst, M. Argollo de Menezes, Z. Bar-Joseph, A.-L. Barabási and Z.N. Oltvai. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 104, 12663 (2007).

19 Fluctuation of Incoming Flux with Multiplicative Noise on a scale-free Network. S.H.Yook and M. Argollo de Menezes, Europhysics Letters, 72, 541:547, (2005).

18 Separating internal and external dynamics of complex systems, M. Argollo de Menezes and A.-L. Babarási. Physical Review Letters 93, 68701 (2004).

17 Hot spots and universality in network dynamics, M. Argollo de Menezes, A.-L. Barabási, S. Balensiefer and J. Brockman. European Physical Journal B 38, 169 (2004).

16 Fluctuations in Network Dynamics, M. Argollo de Menezes and A.-L. Barabási, Physical Review Letters, 92, 28701 (2004).

15 Using Entropy-Based Methods to Study General Constrained Parameter Optimization Problems, M. Argollo de Menezes and A.R. Lima. Physica A, 323, 428 (2003).

14 Shortest paths on systems with power-law distributed long-range connections. M. Argollo de Menezes and C.F. Moukarzel, Physical Review E, 65, 65709 (2002).

13 Nonuniversality in the pair contact process with diffusion, M. Argollo de Menezes and R. Dickman. Physical Review E 66, 45101 (2002).

12 Geometric phase-transition on systems with sparse long-range interactions, M. Argollo de Menezes, T.J.P. Penna and C.F. Moukarzel. Physica A, 295, 132 (2001).

11 Entropy-based analysis of the number partitioning problem, A.R. Lima and M. Argollo de Menezes. Physical Review E 63, 20106 (2001).

10 First-order phase transition on small-world networks, M. Argollo de Menezes, C.F. Moukarzel and T.J.P. Penna. Europhysics Letters 50, 5 (2000).

9 Directed rigidity and bootstrap percolation in 1+1 dimensions, M. Argollo de Menezes and C.F. Moukarzel. Physical Review E 60, 5699 (1999).

8 Getting older with computers, T.J.P.Penna, M. Argollo de Menezes and A. Racco. Computer Physics Communications 122, 108 (1999).

7 Generalized simulated annealing method in the analysis of atom-atom interaction, R.F. Guterres, M. Argollo de Menezes, C.E. Fellows, O. Dulieu. Chemical Physics Letters 300, 131 (1999).

6 Strategies of reproduction and longevity, M. Argollo de Menezes, A. Racco and T.J.P. Penna. International Journal Of Modern Physics C 9, 6 (1998).

5 Aplication of chaotic automata to improve the pattern recognition ability of attractor neural networks, M. Argollo de Menezes and T.J.P. Penna. International Journal of Modern Physics C 9, 3 (1998).

4 Beyond the Hubbard-I solution with a one-pole self-energy at half-filling with the moment approach, J.J.R. Nuñez and M. Argollo de Menezes. Physica A 257 501 (1998).

3 Search for a unitary mortality law through a theoretical model for biological ageing, A. Racco, M. Argollo de Menezes and T.J.P. Penna. Theory in Biosciences 117, 101 (1998).

2 Improving the Hopfield-Tank approach for the traveling salesman problem, M. Argollo de Menezes and T.J.P. Penna. International Journal of Modern Physics C 8, 5 (1997).

1 Why Trees live longer, M. Argollo de Menezes, A. Racco and T.J.P. Penna. Physica A 233, 221 (1996).

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