
Welcome to the Complex Systems research group of the Institute of Physics of the Federal Fluminense University.


What is going on

Model developed in the group is commented on Nature China Highlights

The work “Transmission of sexually transmitted disease in complex network of the Penna model”, by Chen, F. & Li, C. published in J. Stat. Mech. P04006 (2007) was commented on the Research Highlights Section of Nature China, from the Nature Publishing Group.

2010/07/06 08:25

CNPq, CT/Info: One more proposal is approved

The main Brazilian support agency for science and technology CNPq has given approval for the our proposal for the “The Big Challenges on Computation”( see, in portuguese Edital CT-INFO nº 007/2007). The proposal includes, between other itens, a Playstation 3 cluster and a Power Lab, a non-invasive system for measurement of blood pressure in mice.

2010/06/27 20:23

Two new grant proposals receive approval

The partnership Intelekto/Automatos-Complex Systems at IFUFF had the approval for two proposals to Brazilian support agency FINEP. The total budget is R$ 3.254.200,00, for three years. <clear/> The approved proposals are

  1. Embed Systems for navigation and localization for mobile robots
  2. Development of tools for scanning, auditing and cyber-attacks

For additional information, in portuguese, visit FINEP.

2010/06/27 20:23 · 0 Comments

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