Nature of the collapse transition in interacting self-avoiding trails

  • Data: 28/03/16 às 11:00 h
  • Local: Sl A5-01
  • Apresentador: Jurgen F. Stilck, UFF

Resumo: We study the interacting self-avoiding trail (ISAT) model on a Bethe lattice of general coordination and on a Husimi lattice built with squares and coordination . The exact grand-canonical solutions of the model are obtained, considering that up to monomers can be placed on a site and associating a weight for a -fold visited site. Very rich phase diagrams are found with non-polymerized (NP), regular polymerized (P) and dense polymerized (DP) phases separated by lines (or surfaces) of continuous and discontinuous transitions. For Bethe lattice with and , the collapse transition is identified with a bicritical point and the collapsed phase is associated to the dense polymerized phase (solid-like) instead of the regular polymerized phase (liquid-like). A similar result is found for the Husimi lattice, which may explain the difference between the collapse transition for ISAT's and for interacting self-avoiding walks on the square lattice. For and (studied on the Bethe lattice only), a more complex phase diagram is found, with two critical planes and two coexistence surfaces, separated by two tricritical and two critical end-point lines meeting at a multicritical point. The mapping of the phase diagrams in the canonical ensemble is discussed and compared with simulational results for regular lattices.


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