
Bem vindo ao site do Grupo de Sistemas Complexos do Instituto de Física da Universidade Federal Fluminense. O grupo de Sistemas Complexos do Instituto de Física da UFF já tem tradição como um dos mais importantes em simulações de sistemas estatísticos, no Brasil e no exterior, tendo já formado vários pesquisadores que ocupam posições em várias instituições de pesquisa no país. O caráter interdisciplinar do grupo é um fator de atração de estudantes, tanto do Brasil quanto do exterior, em especial da América do Sul. Já há vários anos que o grupo se reúne semanalmente para apresentação e discussão do andamento de seus vários projetos de pesquisa.


XI Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena

A 11ª edição do LAWNP vai ocorrer em Búzios, Rio de Janeiro, de 5 a 9 de Outubro a 09. O grupo de Sistemas Complexos apresentará os seguintes trabalhos:

  1. Predicting fluxes of metabolic reactions, M.Argollo de Menezes e Alexei Vazquez (oral)
  2. Time Series Segmentation based on Entropy and Fluctuations, O.F. de Sousa, P.J.Marinho de Sousa, T.J.P.Penna e A.C. Bicharra Garcia. (oral)
  3. Detrended fluctuation analysis of systolic blood pressure control loop, C.E.C. Galhardo,M.Argollo de Menezes, T.J.P.Penna e P.P.Soares
  4. Formal languages & alternative systems: theorem proving with random walks, M.Argollo de Menezes e Ernesto Galvão
  5. Finding articles in semantic networks, M.Argollo de Menezes e C.E.C. Galhardo
  6. Geometrical phase transitions in growing networks: competition between aging and preferential attachment, Nuno Crokidakis e M.Argollo de Menezes
  7. Analysis of the Package Dependency on Debian GNU/Linux, O.F. de Sousa,M.Argollo de Menezes e T.J.P.Penna
  8. Solution of a lattice gas model with orientational degrees of freedom on a Husimi lattice, Tiago J. Oliveira, Jürgen F. Stilck e Marco Aurélio A. Barbosa
  9. Simulation of antiretroviral therapy on HIV prevalence, N.Sanches, D.Ferreira e T.J.P.Penna
2010/06/27 20:23


Collective motion in animals groups: the advantages of limited attention

  • Data: 04/05/15 às 11:00 h
  • Local: Sl A5-01
  • Apresentador: Edgardo Brigatti, UFRJ

Resumo: We introduce a multi-agent model for exploring how selection of neighbours determines some aspects of order and cohesion in swarms. The model algorithm states that every agents? motion seeks for an optimal distance from the nearest topological neighbour encompassed in a limited attention field. Despite the great simplicity of the implementation, varying the amplitude of the attention landscape, swarms pass from cohesive and regular structures towards fragmented and irregular configurations. Interestingly, this movement rule is an ideal candidate for implementing the selfish herd hypothesis which explains aggregation of alarmed group of social animals.

Role of temperature on the global response in the interface growth dynamics

  • Data: 27/04/15 às 11:00 h
  • Local: Sl A5-01
  • Apresentador: Thiago Albuquerque de Assis - UFBA

Resumo: The global response of the sudden changes in the interface growth dynamics is discussed using models of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) and Villain-Lai-Das Sarma (VLDS) classes during their growth regimes in 2 + 1 dimensions. We introduce scaling arguments and present simulation results to predict the relaxation of the difference in the squared global roughness of the perturbed and the unperturbed interfaces. Following the same lines of previous works [1-3] discussed in previous talk, we propose an asymptotic scaling which includes the temperature effects in the scaling of the correlation length. Interestingly, our results indicate a crossover from a dynamic where the plateau formation prevails to a dynamic with the scaling of the correlation length of the corresponding VLDS model [4]. Finally, we discuss our results making a parallel with experiments for KPZ-VLDS case that may be viewed as a potential application.

[1] Y.-L. Chou, M. Pleimling, and R. K. P. Zia, Phys. Rev. E 80, 061602 (2009)

[2] Y.-L. Chou and M. Pleimling, J. Stat. Mech. P08007 (2010)

[3] T. A. de Assis and F. D. A. Aarão Reis, Phys. Rev. E 89, 062405 (2014)

[4] F. D. A. Aar\~{a}o Reis, Phys. Rev. E 81 041605 (2010)




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